WonderCon in Anaheim is only a couple weeks away! It’s running April 18-20, and I’m excited to be there. It’s the first time I’ll be attending this particular con since it moved from San Francisco.
There’s plenty to see and do, so I thought I’d throw out some of the panels that I’m looking forward to seeing (or that you should all go to and I can’t because of scheduling conflicts).
I’ll be wandering around all weekend, so I hope to see you there!
Comics Arts Conference – Beyond the Page
Friday April 18, 2014 1:30pm – 3:00pm
Room 210BCD
The influence of comics extends far beyond their paper. Victoria Minnich explores the value of comics as a research and education tool to visualize and personalize the operations of the southern California spiny lobster fishery, providing a case study of the possibilities for new media to generate collective meaning for a diverse and broad suite of audiences. Jeremy Johnson (University of Minnesota) explores the possibilities and limitations of graphic novels for the visually impaired and discusses the journey to create an “accessible” graphic narrative. In the process, he highlights the benefits of collaboration in the creation of narrative visualizations while raising an awareness of the accessibility of graphic novels. Renee Krusemark (Creighton University) builds on theories that reading graphic narratives involves both leadership and critical thinking, and uses The Walking Dead as a case study to explore how readers perceive leadership in comics and to discuss the potential of using comic books in the college classroom to address student critical thinking and leadership perceptions.

Psychology of Cult TV Shows
Room 210A
Wild Queer Women of the Web
Room 210A
The Psychology of Star Trek vs. Star Wars Episode III
Room 213
Comic Arts Conference – The Cognition of Comics
Room 210BCD
Comics Arts Conference – Batgirl Begins Again
Room 210BCD